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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I am spent

Psalm 39:10

"Remove your stroke from me; I am spent by the hostility of your hand." This might be translated, "Stop beating me; the wrath of your hand has completely crushed me."

How does this verse square, or factor, in the conscious of the American Church today. In Psalm 39 David acknowledges that God has wasted him. The pain, the emotion, the truth...such a verse heals the wounded soul. At the end of the day David could confess that God caused his pain. David foreshadowed the sufferings of Christ. Christ was spent, the Father spent his wrath upon the son. The son, being in the form of God, very God of very God, reduced himself. He took on the form of a servant, and equipped himself to the sacrifice to atone for the sins of the elect.

1 comment:

Joab Rico said...


The world needs the pure, hot gospel of Jesus Christ and him crucified to restore sanity to our freaked out age. Only the word of God and its witness to the one true God and his relationship to his people will supply us with what we need to understand the painful struggles that this world is going through. We fail to see the consuming fire of God's glory blasting out powerful truth into every situation of our lives, because we ignore passages like the one you have just commented on. May we chew, swallow, and choke down every sinew and drop of the body of Christs divinity no matter how painful it may initially be. Keep blogging the Master's crumbs that he is giving to you, Sam!

Brother known for his weakness:-(